Hats off to our beloved CARLO TANCREDI FALLETTI the founder of our religious family – sisters of St. Ann of Providence. Almost two centuries ago, he himself being an Educationist designed the preventive system of education which has the core principle, that every person has a reason to hope, in spite of failures and shortcomings. The preventive system is nothing but a system of PRESENCE and ACCOMPANYING.
To be present with someone is to be with that person, is to pervade his/her personality. It isn’t just a physical reality. Accompanying is a process. It amounts to “Being with the children through the thick and thin of their life.
The pioneers and the present management along with the staff and the parents are journeying together accompanying with children and youth, spending their quality time and talents giving best of strength and health, sharing their exampled love, care and concern.
Hearty congratulations to our dear Sr. Irene Crasta, the Headmistress of the school, the committed staff of the present and the past for their endeavor in keeping the flag of St. Pius X high School flying very high and I thank God for all of them. Special appreciation goes to our close Associates, Benefactors, friends, neighbors and the student community of the past and present.
May god bless you all.