St. Pius X Alumni get together 30th December 2017
We had a rare opportunity to interact and know about the welfare of our alumni on 30th of December. We started the day with a prayer and lighting of lamp .
We were glad to have Mrs. Hilda, retired principal of Milagres collage and member of family commission , and Fr. Kenute Barboza the Parish priest, Kandlure, as the resource persons for the day.
Memorable and beautiful thoughts of Alumni about their alma mater on their get together day 30th December 2017
“Being the third batch students passing out, we had lot of challenges to bring the school into lime light. Sr. Lilly being the Head Mistress, took a lot of initiatives, to carve our futures to what we are today
Having limited seats, those days, we had the best opportunities to showcase our talents.
St. Pius X School gives the best value education to mould a child to face any challenges.”
“Today we come back with memories ……
The games we used to play under the tress”
“Happiness and memories we used to crave for
That is what we used to pray for”
“Fun we used to have in school
At the same time
We used to break our heads about the molecules……”
“Even though we have parted our ways,
We still cherish those days”
“It is very nice to see my friends again and we remember the days which we used to spend together. We really miss our teachers, friends, juniors, seniors. We are grateful to all our teachers and non teaching staff. School life is a best life. School gives us better education.”
“We love our school very much. It is like a temple where we go to study daily.
It is a house of nourishment and care which we have enjoyed a lot with peers, teachers and all non-teaching staff. We have got very good friends who helped us in every situation.
Education is not just going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening our knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.
What we remembered the most about high school is the memories we created with our friends”